life by the pond

I love life by the pond as something interesting, fascinating or insightful will happen as you are watching.  And the water source draws in all kinds of wildlife for viewing.  Today the pond is full up with all the rain we have been having.  Now the Momma Mallard and her ducklings are not struggling up the rocks to shore for a little snack,  instead they are floating up to the grassy shoreline- like pulling into the local drive in, ordering and eating their meal; a little scratch put out, fresh moist green grass and seedlings.  Oh and can I forget cottonwood seedlings stringing “cotton” across yard and pond (and my air conditioner); watching as the ducklings and their elders dip their heads to pick up the tiny bits of white fuzz off the water.

Speaking of water level, the eponymous Greenback Herons arrived a few weeks ago to a drought-y pond area, choosing a low willow branch as a potential nesting site…it is now hovering at waters edge and they are checking out alternative “highrise” sites.

What a privilege and pleasure to observe these waterfowl; the little ducklings practically growing before my eyes,  their mother’s careful watch over them.  The herons soon to find a nesting site and hatch their young- I will look forward to seeing the little herons grasp branch to branch to move about as they build strength for fishing and flight.

I will keep you posted on Green Heron Pond, come spend a few moments with me on the pond.

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